Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Weekend

This summer we've taken several weekends to visit our family, and we have loved doing so. We visited my sister and Caleb's sister in June, two weekends ago we visited my other sister (including my newest niece who was then just 2 days old!), and this past weekend we went to Virginia to see Caleb's entire family. In the past 10 days we actually ended up seeing all our family members, including our now NINE nieces + nephews! Some of the visits were super short (like after church), but still...we love our families and every minute we get to spend with them. The top picture is of my nephew, but we really spent this past weekend mostly with Caleb's family. We got to meet our newest niece on Caleb's side (she + her big sister are the ones in the above)! She is so cute and cuddly which I of course loved :) The guys worked on building a swing set for Caleb's parents, and the girls did a little shopping with an iced coffee pit stop...the norm. We were able to make it to church in Virginia to run into some of my family, and then we grabbed a quick lunch with my parents before hitting the road for a (rainy) ride home. Our weekends in Virginia are always jam-packed and so quick, but we're thankful for the time to be able to see family!


  1. So glad you are so close to your family, and you got to spend some quality time with them :)

  2. Sounds like an action-packed few weeks! You and Caleb look good with kiddos; you look like a natural :-)

  3. Awww there's nothing like spending time with family. Especially really little ones.

  4. weekends in virginia are the best! congrats on your newest niece - she is precious! i love really new babies - they are just such tiny miracles (to imagine those perfect fingers were in a stomach two days ago!) i just find them such fascinating, pure, beautiful little humans and a true newborn is so fleeting - a few weeks max. you are so lucky your visit coincided with her arrival :)
