Time to check up on how I did with my February goals! I loved that the focus of February was love and marriage; it coincided perfectly with all of that Valentine spirit in the air and also Caleb's birthday.
Read The Excellent Wife: I honestly haven't gotten very far, but I like what I've read. One sentence at the beginning of the book caught my eye and I've been thinking about it since: "the husband should be the primary benefactor of his wife's time and energy, not the recipient of what may be left over at the end of the day". After a really busy day, it's hard to make sure I'm still pouring energy into us! I've been trying to consciously work on this.
Frame and hang our wedding vows: done! I hung them on one of the walls in our bedroom, and I love having them there. They are hanging across from our bed, so I love that I see them every night before I fall asleep and every morning when I wake up. It's definitely helped me to be more conscious of the things that I've promised Caleb. Caleb said he really likes that we have them hanging up now, too. I highly recommend hanging your wedding vows where you can be reminded of them often!
A few other things I learned:
1. I was sick for almost three weeks February, which obviously sucked. But it was so much harder to pour into my marriage and consider my spouse better than myself when I wasn't sleeping well and felt gross and couldn't breathe. I already know that I am so selfish, but not feeling well reminded me that it really is a constant battle to fight that selfishness and put Caleb's wants and needs first.
2. I need to write Caleb more notes. We were long distance when we were dating and engaged, and I wrote Caleb letters all the time then, but since we've been married I haven't been doing it as much. Caleb absolutely loves loves reading notes from me; his Valentine card and his birthday card are still out because he loves re-reading them. I need to make the time to put in words how thankful I am for him!