Monday, March 4, 2013

2013 Goal: Run a 10K

One of my goals for this year was to run a 10K. I'm not a runner, but the few times I've run consistently has been training for a race, so I knew this would be the main way to get my butt out the door running. I started training after New Year's (so cliché!), but I never worked up to the full 10K before race day. I had gotten up to 4 miles, but because I'm not disciplined and because I hurt my foot, I hadn't gone any further. Saturday was the race and I was pretty nervous, not knowing how my foot would feel after having not run for three weeks, and also never having run more than four miles in my life! It started snowing/raining as we were heading to the race, which was awesome (not). It only rained for the first little bit of the race, but it was still pretty cold! I was feeling pretty good up until the last mile, which was entirely uphill. I really wanted to run the whole thing and not stop and walk any of it, so I kept pushing myself. Caleb was cheering me on up the last hill (he had finished like 40 minutes earlier!), and I finally finished. I ran that race very slowly, but I actually ran the whole thing! I'm hoping this will help motivate me to keep running and being active, as that is the area in my life that I am the least disciplined. 

Have you accomplished any of your goals for this year?


  1. I ran that race Saturday, and it was my first 10K as well. That last mile was horrible. It wasn't very fun to end struggling uphill, but at least the precipitation had let up!

  2. wow good job! i think i would have quit after it started snow-raining! that would be so miserable. running is annoying because it really isn't that good for your body...i hurt my foot a couple times in a row last year when i was running a lot and it's lame because it makes you have to stop for awhile. i'm proud of you for running the whole way even through all the circumstances!

  3. Way to go, Sherri!! I don't think you can say that you aren't a runner after running a 10K! :) I'm glad your foot did ok and you were able to run the whole time. I'm impressed!

  4. I am so flipping proud of you! This is awesome!!! YAY!!! I'm bouncing up and down in my office chair, don't judge. I'm glad you ran the whole thing, and aren't hills the worst?! Seriously, they are my least favorite part about running, but I'm glad you did it and finished!

  5. I think you definitely qualify as a runner now! not necessarily a fast one :), but a 10K is a great accomplishment. Way to go!

  6. You are amazing!!!! This is awesome Sherri!

  7. Woo hoo, go Sherri! And I love the feet picture :)

  8. so, so awesome - way to go sherri! i love 10Ks - a good way to push yourself but not kill yourself. i remember my first half marathon was all uphill in the last mile and i thought i was going to faint/die. finishing was the best feeling though. congrats on your race!

  9. Way to go girl! I'm so proud of you!

  10. Yay! You can do it! Such a great goal!

  11. This is awesome. Good for you!

    I am working up towards a 5K {I'm not a runner either}... I haven't entered in a race yet, but I think I should!

    Go you!
