Thursday, September 20, 2012

Our Home: The Backyard

I know that all I've shared from our new house is our bedroom paint, but that's because none of the rooms are completely done yet!  The guest bedroom is actually looking like it's going to be completed first, so be on the lookout for that in the next few weeks (ok, maybe months).  So today I thought I'd share our backyard!  Here's our yard tour, if you'd like to see :)

A huge must for us in looking for our house was big trees.  We love the privacy we have in the back (and all the shade!).  Our garden box used to have our sunflowers and tomatoes but now it's empty.

One of our new blueberry bushes!  We have been wanting blueberry bushes for a while, and just this past Saturday we bought two from the berry guy at the farmer's market.  He shared all of his tips and tricks (like this variety of blueberries loves the red clay - who knew?!), so hopefully we'll have a full crop next spring!  (side note: The bushes are supposed to grow to be pretty large, so I'm hoping the ugly pipe will be covered up, too!)  I'm so excited to walk outside my door and be able to pick fresh berries!

Our row of knockout roses.  I can take zero credit for these; they were here when we moved in.  Over the past five months we've lived here, they've bloomed and drooped and come back about four times!  I love them!

This is our play fort/shed!  When we moved in this was a really dumpy-looking fort.  Caleb pressure-washed and stained the fort, and then he completely built the bottom part to make it a shed - walls, door, and everything!  It looks SO much better now, and it's great for storage for him and a fort for our future kids :)


  1. Wow! Nice backyard...something a city girl can only dream of these days! :)

  2. Nice!! Great job on the shed, Caleb! What a nice, relaxing backyard and such a great view as you sit on the screen porch!

  3. i love the fort/shed! what a great idea! and yes the blueberry bushes will get huge! you have to actually walk INTO the ones at the jacksons' cause they're so big!

  4. So pretty! Fresh blueberries in your own backyard....what more could you want!? And, Caleb did such a great job on the shed! It's nice to finally see a picture of looks much better than what I was picturing in my head :)

  5. Wow that looks great!!! What a great future I can foresee in your backyard! That shed is awesome girl!

  6. I love your backyard! And knockout roses are the best...they bloom so many times!

  7. Your backyard looks great! We have so much work to do on ours...

  8. Wow you have the best backyard!!! I love it! I"m glad that you are starting to share you house pictures. I've been wanting to see it =)

    - Sarah

  9. Lovely! In the meantime, l know your nieces and nephews will make good use of the fort.

  10. It looks great Sherri!! I can't imagine having such an awesome big backyard. Basically I want all the things you wanted - the trees for shade and privacy, a grass lawn, and places to garden. I think I see a screen porch and deck too! So glad you've been able to enjoy it all summer! Oh and that fort-turned-shed is such an awesome idea. Something so useful and also what your kids will be able to enjoy one day! ;)

  11. our house is still half done too! its a big project! glad i found ur blog :) Mandy @

  12. oh my word. all the roses! your backyard and porch make me a little disgusted with my tiny studio apartment, haha!

  13. Love the backyard and the privacy that the trees offer!
