Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Read: The Dressmaker

Just finished reading The Dressmaker.  It was so good!  I hadn't really read anything since finishing The Hunger Games trilogy last month, so it was nice to enjoy reading again!  I didn't realize this until after I finished the book, but the story is based on the transcripts from the hearings after the sinking of the Titanic.  Finding out bits and pieces of a story are true always makes them better in my mind.  The book starts with the Titanic sinking, but then continues with the lives of several of the survivors - their stories and their connections with each other.  Much of the book also involves the hearings that happened in New York and D.C.  I was unaware of that part of the Titanic story, so I really found that aspect of the book fascinating.  If you're looking for a fun and easy read, this is a good one!

What have you most recently read?


  1. That sounds like a great story. I will have to check into this book; thanks for sharing and I'm glad you've gotten back to reading :-)

  2. I actually just finished a book that seems like it is inline with your taste! Its called Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, a fictional book based on the story of Gomer and Hosea! I couldn't put it down it was GREAT!

    1. Oh I've read Redeeming Love and it is SO good! I just read it for the second time this winter - I couldn't put it down - even the second time around!

    2. I agree! Read it twice and couldn't put it down, either!

  3. Thanks for the recommendation! I will check it out!

  4. Sounds so interesting! Wish I could borrow it! :)

  5. Eeee I needed another book recommendation :) Although, I rarely have time to read right now. Louie takes up ANY free time that I have.

  6. Oooh I love the sound of this one. I'm hosting my next book club soon, so this might be it! :)

  7. hmm, this book sounds really interesting. It would be so cool to learn about the lives of the survivors. I never really though about that perspective before .

  8. ooo i like historical fiction - this is going on the list. and speaking of - i'm reading "the alienist" right now. it is very good - the author is a master of the english language and it's very suspenseful so far. parts are a bit scary but i can't wait to see what happens!

  9. This sounds interesting! I'm just about done with A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers. It's about a Christian girl whose family is killed for their faith in Jerusalem, but she survives and is then bought as a slave for a family in Rome, the time frame being not too long after Christ's death. I love all the references to Roman culture, it reminds me of Latin classes in high school.

  10. That does sound good...I recently read Divergent and Insurgent...must reads if you like the Hunger Games!
