Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stress Relieving Tip

Here's a secret:  when my neck is tight with tension or stress, I massage in this Peace of Mind and it's instantly soothing.  It has a peppermint-y smell, which is relaxing, and it even tingles a little when first rubbed in.  It's small enough that I can carry it in my purse when we travel, and I usually keep it on my nightstand to use at night before bed.


  1. I SO needed to learn about this today! With school and grad-school wrapping up I am so stressed! Thanks!

  2. That stuff sounds amazing, I'll have to check it out. And I really loved that link to the 50 stress busters - I think some of those things would really help!

  3. Never heard of this but I might have to invest! Thanks for sharing, and I hope you're not too stressed these days :-)

  4. Oh I love this. Totally need this right now.

  5. Amazing! Definitely need to get some of this for both M and I!
