Friday, January 13, 2012

The Little Things

This week seemed so incredibly long!  It was mostly due to the fact that Caleb was traveling for work this week, a situation I was less than thrilled about.  Instead of moping and feeling lonely, I got my butt into gear and got so much done!  I've learned over and over again that it's my attitude in response to life's circumstances that really makes the difference.  Here are some little things I chose to find happiness in this week.

{cute post-its to brighten my to-do list}

{delicious soup for my lunches: recipe here}

{getting my craft on with multi-surface paint}

{daisies to combat the dreary weather outside}

{catching up on holiday thank you notes}

What little things brightened your week?


  1. Sherri you are sooo right! I completely agree it is definitely my attitude!!! I have to get my thoughts on good true things have my devoes talk to God all day and things are so much better! Love you! xoxo

  2. Love the daisies in the window. I might need to pick up some cut flowers today while I'm out. What kind of camera do you use Sherri?

  3. I love your outlook on your responses; very mature of you. I guess the highlight of my week, was crossing things off my to-do list. I get some weird satisfaction when i put a line through a task i need to do lol

  4. Ashley: I shoot with a Canon Rebel T3i. I have posted more information about it here:

  5. Love that you found happiness even with the rainy weather and without Caleb around. Where did you get those thank you notes?! I love them!

  6. Mmm...soup! I made a big pot of tomato veggie stew last night. Yummy yums! P.S. Thank you for reminding me to send thank yous! I forgot!

  7. Amanda: the thank you notes are from Crane & Co :)

  8. Love those post-it's so so cute!

  9. I love the little things that can make a week that much better! Your soup looks delicious! Cannot wait to see the craft you did!

  10. Glad you made the most of your week! I need to learn from you :) I definitely did not 'make lemonade' out of the lemons I got this week. Nothing was done and now I regret it! Can't wait to see your pantry AND your painted craft...

  11. Ohh you will have to share the results of the gold paint:)
    I am checking out that recipe:)

  12. Your thank you cards are so cute! Glad you had a productive week, they are the best!

  13. That paint looks really fun and I love those cards!

  14. I loved what you just said! Listening to gospel music before bed....

  15. That soup looks so good and what pretty flowers! xo

  16. Love this! Life is all about the little things that make us happy : )

  17. Your post it notes are so cute!

  18. I hurt my knee from my new running shoes, which made me have to trade them in for different new shoes, but these ones are cuter and neon pink! So even though I won't be running till my knee heels, I can stare at the pink prettiness!

  19. That soup looks fantastic... I'm actually looking forward to winter this year (I live in New Zealand), just because there's so many soups and hearty stews I want to cook!

    Andrea x

  20. it's so true - how we deal with things are a choice we make, not forced upon us. the little thing that made my week was definitely the amount of bagels i ate, hah! back to the gym tomorrow...
