Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hair Inspiration

I am terrible at fixing hair.  The last time I had to fix my hair beyond the daily 'do was when I was in college and attended the Air Force Academy ring dance.  I flew out to Colorado with my J. Crew gown in tow and spent the next afternoon getting ready for the dance.  I remember walking into the bathroom, closing the door, and then just standing there looking in the mirror.  I was in such a panic!  I remember thinking, get a grip!  I can't go to this dance with my hair down and frizzy!  After who knows how long, I finally started curling and pinning.  My hair ended up fine, and we had a great night.  Since then I've stuck to a simple hair routine, or have opted for others to fix my hair for special occasions.  My new goal is to spice up my hair a little, and these photos are inspiring me. (Click on the link above each picture for the how-to.) 

Side Braid + Pony
via refinery 29

via a cup of jo

via hair romance

Which is your favorite?  Do you have any (simple) hair ideas you recommend I try?  I need all the help I can get!


  1. They all look gorgeous!!! my favorite is the last 2 for sure!!

  2. I love the Nape Twist and Pin and the Side Chignon, but I doubt my curly hair would stay in place for the nape twist! :) I often do something similar to the side chignon, but it doesn't look that pretty! :) I call it the side bun and it's my go to hair style since I wash my hair every other day, and usually by day 2, my curly hair needs some help...like a bun! :)

    I do love all of these hairstyles though! You must post pics if you decide to try any of them!

  3. fabulous hair inspiration. Loving the twists!

    xo, chrissy
    The Perfect Palette

  4. two favorites: the side chignon and the nape twist. very pretty!

  5. I like the messy french bun....wish I could do that! Got the messy part down, though

  6. love that side chignon. so pretty.

  7. Pinning these immediately! I'm so bored with my hair, it's not funny.

  8. These are all great! It is hard for me to take the time to do my hair in any of these creative styles!

  9. All so much fun and pretty! I am really loving the fishtail braid right now. I have finally mastered that :)

  10. Love the knotted pony tail! These styles are all so gorgeous - it's too bad my hair NEVER looks as nice when I attempt it myself :-)

  11. i can do my hair just fine it i have to work it to work but when it comes to any special occasions i freak because i have no idea how to do my hair! thanks for the tutorials, my favorites are anything with the braid or the side chignon!

  12. I really like the pretty plait and the twist and pin! Now I wonder if I can actually do this with my own hair....

  13. I like the nape twist and pin. I'm glad you posted these links because I really want to keep my hair long but it's so boring, so this will help.

  14. The side chignon. I only wish I could do it!

  15. I came across that Refinery 29 image a while back. I'm pretty terrible at doing my own hair, but I made a point to pin that one because I feel like I could actually do that.

  16. i love the last one...mostly just because her hair color is so gorgeous! i always wear mine down and curled. boring, but it works :)

    Sam @ fitness food & faith

  17. I have attempted the last one, and it was really cute and easy! I love all the braided looks, but I am sooo terrible at braiding! Booo. :(

  18. I remember the days in high school when I use to wake up at 5:30am and do my hair in all kinds of cute ways. Now...forget it if I get out the bed long enough to even dry my hair. I have so been trying to get creative again with my hair and I am even trying to teach myself how to french braid....we will see how that goes! This are all very inspiring ideas!

  19. Love all these! I'm a total hair fixing idiot!

  20. I'm totally terrible, too! I can't braid it or do anything. : (

  21. Girl, me and you both. I am so terrible when it comes to my hair. The only thing I know what to do with it is wear it down! You might want to try some hair tutorials on Youtube. They're pretty helpful. Personally, I love Kandee Johnson because she explains it step by step. I would leave you a link, but I'm typing this on my phone.

  22. I actually tried that knotted bun one, but I was hopeless at doing it well. I'm loving braids this summer though!

  23. I'm horrible at putting my hair together for events. I have to pay someone else to do it! The last look is my favorite.

  24. My favorite (easy) hair style is to twist and pin two small front pieces back one one side of my head around my face, and just cross them so it looks fancier. That's hard to explain in words... hope it helps!

  25. Today I'm sporting this http://itsthesmallthingsblog.blogspot.com/2011/08/twisted-bangs.html

    you can also check my pinterest for some ideas, but you have several of them here anyways! :)

  26. That nape twist and pin is gorgeous!! I may have to try that one! And I've become obsessed with braids...my new easy go-to if I don't feel like having side bangs!

  27. I love all the little braids in the pony's.
