Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Crossword Inspired

I'm loving this butter dish & coffee mug from The New York Times Store!  They make me think of my grandparents, who always have the newspaper neatly folded with the crossword puzzle facing up.  If only I could complete all of the crossword puzzle like they always do...  

new york times store


  1. So cute! I used to do the NY Times crossword puzzle when I was commuting from NYC to Connecticut for work..it's hard but fun! I don't ever think I finished one on my own though LOL :)

  2. Great ideas! I sometime do crossword puzzles before bed. It helps me take my mind off the day because I have to concentrate on the puzzle!

  3. LOVE those mugs! We do the crossword puzzle every Sunday...which reminds me that we never finished this week's!

  4. I think I just saw these online somewhere (probably Pinterest) and loved them! So neat!

  5. Very cool. I'm not good with crossword puzzles. It's always a team effort when I do it...gotta get a lot of people to help me.

  6. Love this! I wish I was a crossword puzzle junkie because I would totally buy these!

  7. I think my crossword-loving husband needs stuff like this in his life!

  8. My grandfather did the NY Times puzzle every single day that I knew him! I've taken it up but am no where near his awesomeness yet!
