Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tips for Traveling to Yellowstone

flowers in front of the Tetons

I wanted to do one final post about our vacation to Yellowstone: some tips I would give to anyone who is planning a trip out there.

Know ahead of time what you definitely want to see while you're there. There are SO many geysers, hot springs, trails, and waterfalls in Yellowstone.  It can be very overwhelming if you just arrive and then try to decide how to spend your time. Do some research, buy some maps or books, and pick your "must see" list.  (Some of ours were Old Faithful, the Canyon of Yellowstone, Tower Falls, Morning Glory.)

Be flexible with your plans once you are there.  While we did have a rough idea of the hikes we wanted to go on and what we wanted to see, we didn't stick to a strict schedule for each day.  We made sure we hit one or two of the main things we wanted to see each day, but then we left room for whatever we saw along the way.  There are always animals to stop and watch or a random little turnoff or trail that you decide you want to go down.  I think that's what makes Yellowstone so great:  you could never run out of things to see and do!

Pack a lunch.  Because we never quite knew where we would be during our days, we found that having lunch in our car and/or day pack was most helpful. The restaurants in Yellowstone are all around the major areas of the park.  But if you're driving around or decide to do an extra hike somewhere along the way, it's hard to know if you'll be around a restaurant when you get hungry.  We also found that we were hungry a lot, so it was good that we had so many snacks with us.

Bring bug spray.  I read that there are over 40 varieties of mosquitoes in Yellowstone, and I believe it!  The bugs were literally swarming around us at times.  I did notice a huge difference once we put the bug spray on, though.

Set aside time to drive down to the Tetons.  If you aren't planning to spend any time in the Tetons, reconsider!  They are breathtakingly gorgeous and totally worth the 1-2 hour drive down, depending on where you are in Yellowstone. Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone basically back right up to each other, so it's not that much out of your way.  You won't be sorry you saw them!

Pack a variety of clothes.  We were told that it can get pretty chilly in the evenings in Yellowstone, even in July.  It never got as cold as we expected it to, but we were glad that we brought jackets, long-sleeved shirts, and sweatshirts to wear when we needed them.  We also made sure we had good rain jackets.  We brought hiking clothes for both hot and cool weather, but ended up needing only shorts because of how warm it was.  It helped me to know that we were prepared for any kind of weather.

I think that pretty much sums up what we learned from our trip.  We loved our vacation and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is thinking about going!  If you want any recommendations or further tips, please feel free to contact me!


  1. Thanks for the tips! The hubs and I have thisi on our list of places to see and I try and research everything before we go do I don't miss out! It's nice to see/get advice from someone who's been there!

  2. oh man, Yellowstone would be so fun. I remember going there once as a kid, we just drove through for a day. But it seemed like you could explore for weeks and still discover beautiful new things! What an amazing world we live in!

  3. awesome! now i just have to make time to go :)

  4. These are great tips! Cannot wait to go someday!

  5. the tetons are by far a must see. i felt like that's what heaven should look and feel like when i was there.

  6. What great tips! I've always wanted to see both places and I hope we get the chance to someday.

  7. This would be amazing info if I lived close enough to visit Yellowstone ... maybe one day :)

  8. I will have to remember these tips if I make it out that way someday!!

  9. Great tips! I've never been but really want to!


  10. So jealous! I would love to see this part of the country one day!!

  11. Thanks for this info! I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't had time to read your other posts on yellowstone, but I will definitely be doing so very soon! We are staying near the Tetons for half of our trip and am glad to hear that it is so beautiful there. The bug spray tip...priceless to me. I am a mosquito buffet! Eeek! Thanks again and can't wait to read the other posts!

  12. Wonderful tips! I have always wanted to go visit Yellowstone. Maybe one day I will be able to.


  13. These are great tips! I would as to thew list that you must try the ice cream at old faithful, its divine!

  14. I was in the Tetons last summer... so gorgeous!

  15. Thanks for the tips! Yellowstone is in my top 5 places to visit next list, so hopefully I'll be going soon : )

  16. Indeed you have ignited a great interest for a visit to Yellowstone. It would be greatly fun and exciting. Considering the way, you have narrated your trip, it isn’t hard to know, and you actually enjoyed yourself quite well. Yellowstone seems like a place to be at. Know more about such travelling destinations at Travel Squire.
