Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Read: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels

ok so who doesn't love Pioneer Woman?  Her recipes are delicious, her photos are beautiful, and she gives away Kitchenaid mixers!  And she's funny.  And she's real, in this down to earth, I'm not afraid to admit I don't have good arms kind of way.  Anyway, I'm a fan.  I've been following her blog since early 2007 and have enjoyed more than a handful of her recipes.  Way back when she started posting a chapter here and there of how she met Marlboro Man.  Their story was addicting!  Thankfully for us, she published the entire story into a book.  And oh. my. goodness.  I started reading this Thursday evening, on the front porch after dinner.  I made myself get some sleep that night, but after I worked and cooked and cleaned on Friday, I finished it before dinner that night.  Her writing just sucks you in and you feel like you are right there with her living this wonderfully romantic story.  And the best part?  It really happened!  Put aside those fiction romance stories.  But this?  This is the real stuff.  And it is good.  And she includes even the not-so-beautiful parts that are part of everyone's story.  Make sure you allot a large chunk of time in your schedule to read this, because once you start you won't want to put it down.  Oh and another great thing about this book?

My copy is signed by Pioneer Woman!  Last month there was a speaking event/book signing Pioneer Woman was having that I wanted to go to, but I couldn't because I was in a wedding that weekend.  So, my wonderful sister Lauren took my book and got it signed for me!  

I'm giving away a Starbucks giftcard!  Enter to win here


  1. That is so lovely of your sister:) Have a great day, my dear

    Ps: I’m hosting a charming necklace GIVEAWAY today! Hope you’ll join in:)

  2. I stumbled upon your blog from your comment at kelle hampton and just wanted to say hi!

    Ahhh, yes, I love the pioneer woman. I haven't read her book yet, but I really want to! Glad to hear you enjoyed it :)

  3. You know how much I (don't) read, but you actually have made me want to read this one! Oh, and as I was just looking at your blog, Charis excitedly exclaimed, "Buh!" when she saw the picture of Caleb. :)

  4. I have to get my hands on a copy! I love her photos, her recipes, her humor. =)
