Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Farewell, Summer

I know it's technically not fall yet, but something about September just shifts my mindset to fall. School has started, the pool has closed, the calendar flips to September, and I feel like summer has ended. Summer of '13, you were WONDERFUL. Here's some snapshots of my summer from instagram. Looking through them almost makes me want to fast forward to next summer, because summer is just the best! But I'm also really excited for fall. We went apple picking yesterday with friends, and between the cool mountain air and the apple cider donuts, I am ready for fall. Here's to September!

p.s. summertime on this blog is slooow. now that fall is here I'll be back to my regular posting + blog reading :)


  1. those are some good summer snapshots right there.

  2. summer IS the best. i can't say that i don't love crisp air, and pumpkin spiced things and the feeling of the season changing and football and blah blah blah - but the laid back, relaxed, slower feel of summer is so unique compared to the other nine months. i miss it already!

  3. I can't believe you already went apple picking! I guess some must already be growing! Your summer pics look fantastic. As much as I love summer, I am excited for fall though. I don't think I could ever move somewhere that didn't have changing seasons.
