Monday, April 22, 2013

The Weekend

This past weekend we were in Baltimore for my aunt's wedding. We headed up to Virginia on Thursday night to break up the trip a little, and then went on to Maryland on Friday. We were able to spend Friday with my grandparents, which was wonderful. We don't get to see them that much, and we really treasure any time we get to spend with either of our grandparents. It was also fun to have all six of our nieces and nephews on my side all together! Saturday was the wedding and almost all of my mom's entire family was there. It was a great day being with family and celebrating with my aunt, and my grandparents were so thrilled to have so many family members all in one room, including all 13 great-grandchildren!


  1. Lovely photos and sounds like a great weekend!

  2. Great pictures! Glad you were able to be together!


  3. Heads in Beds is on my reading list -- let me know what you think! :)

  4. wedding weekends with families are so fun - and with so many cuties what could be better :)

  5. Thirteen great-grandchildren? Wow!

  6. Awww fun! What a sweet the kiddos!

  7. What a wonderful weekend! The pictures kind of melted my heart :)
