Thursday, September 27, 2012

What I Love About Fall: Making Applesauce

In reading One Thousand Gifts the past few weeks I've been challenged to slow down and give thanks - even for the little things.  I've realized that I hurry through everything: hurrying to get ready and leave for work in the morning, hurrying to fix dinner, hurrying through the week to get to the weekend, hurrying to the next vacation or holiday or anticipated event.  I hate that I do that!  I miss out on the little joys and gifts along the way, when I really should be savoring those moments and giving thanks for them.

So, I'm going to start sharing "What I Love About" posts.  A post every now and then capturing something I'm thankful for, big or small.  I want to train myself to give thanks in all things, and I want to stop myself from taking so many things for granted.  

First up: what I love about fall is making applesauce (I made this recipe).  The reason I enjoy making applesauce is kind of ironic in light of what I just wrote about hurrying:  I enjoy making applesauce because it forces me to slow down.  Homemade applesauce is certainly not a necessity; most people just buy it from the store because it's quick and easy.  But I love stopping and taking the time to peel and chop all of the apples.  Waiting as they cook on the stove and soften and break up, filling the house with the scent of apple and cinnamon.  It's a fall ritual for me, and I find it both comforting and rewarding.  And I am thankful for it.


  1. mmm I love it too! I'll have to try! you have it cold as a dessert or hot with your meal?
    I also write about the things I love, as I see you want to do from now on :) Actually, I write a post a day about what I really like. good luck!

  2. oh man that looks good! i think i'll love this series, too - slowing down is always something i combat.

  3. I'm the say way ... always rushing through things and looking forward to the next big event. It helps having a baby and being forced to slow down, due to a little one being there, and to just enjoy the moment you are in, because time does go by so fast and you can really tell with your baby.
    Next weekend we are going to apple "farm" and I'll have to bring some home to make this applesauce with! Yum!

  4. I make applesauce all the time now for my daughter Pearl. But I guess I don't really stop and enjoy it. I hate the time consuming peeling part, but then I just throw the apples in the crock pot with some cinnamon for a few hours and forget about it. It's so good when it comes out though that I always have to "test it". Generally I eat a full bowl and wish I had made more so I don't feel guilty eating her food :)

  5. Oh that looks amazing!!!!! Great pictures!

    I like the series that you're starting; what a great way to stop and enjoy the present. :-)

  6. This sounds so yummy - I have never made applesauce because I don't eat it on a regular basis, but I think I should try this out! Seems like a good fall comfort food :) Do you eat yours hot or cold? And usually with what other food? I feel like I only learned how to eat applesauce as a kid and not as an adult haha

  7. I think I made your recipe last year...and it was great! (Mom brain can't remember anything!)

  8. Now I know what to do with all the apples we picked! Thank you friend! x

  9. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and be thankful! Such a good idea to do a series on things you love. I can't wait to read your posts!
    That applesauce looks delicious, by the way!

  10. Mmmm. My mom always makes homemade applesauce and I love it! I need the recipe.
