Thursday, January 26, 2012

Winter Skin Care Tip

One of the things I dislike about winter is how dry my skin gets!  Typically my skin texture is normal to dry, but in the winter it gets SO dry.  I've been using this overnight mask a couple of a times a week, and I love waking up to a soft, moisturized face!  It has avocado oil and Japanese seaweed in it and smells really fresh going on.  I just put it on my face before bed and it moisturizes through the night. 

What do you use to help get rid of dry winter skin?


  1. I use Origins stuff as well. Their moisturizers are so nice and keep my skin from getting dry in the winter.

  2. i have been needing skin help!! My skin is sooo dry right now. Thanks for the tip!

    Classic & Bubbly

  3. Sounds like something I need to use! I have combination skin and it can be difficult!

  4. I hate how winter takes a toll on skin and hair! I may need to try this mask!

  5. i love love love lancome. but it's expensive and they just discontinued the night cream i love (hate that). so i was thinking about siwtching to something new. it may be this!

  6. I need this! I have pretty normal skin, that's combination, but this year, I have gotten some serious dry patches on my face that's new to me. I think I'm going to need to pick this up for me.

  7. Sounds heavenly! The winter does a number on my skin too...but my hands are the worst since I'm always washing baby stuff!

  8. Great tip! I know...I"m constantly lathering lotion all over me, because my skin gets so dry.

  9. I've never used this; I will have to try it soon!

    that's what i do!

  11. I made some hand-scrub from sugar and olive oil and it seems to really help! I think the recipe is just 3 parts sugar 1 part olive oil. As far as my face, I really haven't found any cures, I would love to try that face mask though!
