Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekend at Grandma's

We had a great weekend visiting Caleb's grandparents.  It was a lot of time in the car (1300 miles), but it was definitely worth it!  I had never seen anything like this - fields in every direction, flat as far as the eye could see.  We had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa; they put old records on and told us story after story. Two of my favorite moments were 1) when Grandma put a headdress from Paupa New Guinea on her head (!) and 2) when they were showing us old leather drink pouches they would drink from and shout olé! while at a bull fight in Colombia (can you imagine?!).  

What did you do this weekend?


  1. Oh my gosh amazing photos. What a great way to spend the weekend.

  2. I'm so glad you had a good trip, and the funny thing is, I CAN imagine them doing that! And your pictures are great! My favorite is the little windmill.

  3. Great pictures and wow that is a lot of time in the car! I had a craft sale this weekend :)

  4. Lovely pictures, glad you had a great time! I spent my weekend starting up some craft projects for Christmas!

  5. I'm so glad you had a such a good time! I love the pictures you took! I hope you got one of Grandma with her headdress on! Can't wait to hear more about your trip :)

  6. Whoa, 1300 miles! But I agree seeing grandparents is always worth it. Great pics!

  7. I am so glad you got to see it :) The pictures make me miss it. love you :)

  8. WOa that is a long time in the car..but family is is important and worth every mile! Great pictures my friend

  9. What a great weekend!!! Sounds like your family is a lot of fun. What great memories. I sooo badly wish I new family with a farm!

    - Sarah

  10. Wow! Seriously fabulous photos! Looks like a very peaceful and relaxing trip!

  11. this landscape has such a great, simple beauty to it.

  12. well they sound completely awesome. and those pictures - all that space! looks beautiful.

  13. what lovely pictures sherri!! gorgeous

  14. Wow those are some great pics Sherri! I'm sure you heard lots of good ole stories :)

  15. Sherri, thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. Such a treat to hear from you! We had a great weekend, too. Our adult daughters and our sons-in-law joined us at my parents' home for a wonderful visit. So glad you got to see your hubby's grandparents this weekend, too.

    Blessings to you this week!

  16. Beautiful photos, as always Sherri. :) I didn't do much this weekend, read, watched lots of TV and movies with the hubby. Very relaxing!

  17. Looks like you came to my part of the world! Glad to hear y'all had a great trip and time with family!

  18. You are an amazing photographer! It looks so beautiful and peaceful!!

  19. WoW!! That is unreal scenery! Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend! Thanks for your kind comment :) Have a great week!

  20. Looks pretty similar to my husband's parent's/grandparents hometown. Glad you had a relaxing weekend.

  21. Amazing photos, Sherri! You're really doing so great with your photography!!! My request for next summer is for you to take pictures of sunflowers :)

  22. Looks like fun!Pretty pics!
