Monday, February 8, 2016

Madeleine // 8 months

It's so hard to believe Madeleine is 8 months old! Time seems to be going by faster and faster. Here's a little 5-8 month update on our girl...

Just a couple of days after turning 5 months, Madeleine got up on her hands and knees and started rocking! She started scooting around soon after that, and she started sitting up on her own and crawling right after she turned 6 months. Girl loves to be on the go! Madeleine also started laughing around 5 months and gives us the best baby belly laughs. She started pulling up to her knees right before 7 months and is now pulling up on everything. She is just beginning to start cruising. She loves to explore and get into everything!

Some of the sweetest moments have been in these past few months. Madeleine started saying mama and dada, which of course we love. I still remember the first time she reached her arms out and wanted me to pick her up, which totally melted my heart. Madeleine loves reading books, and she's even grabbed a book, crawled over to me, and sat in my lap for me to read it. It's so fun that she's starting to be able to communicate in her own way.

After a bit of a rough start, she's now doing really well with eating solids. She likes pretty much everything she's eaten except for mango and avocado. It seems like it may be more of a texture thing. Another big change is Madeleine is completely weaned! She loves her bottle!

Madeleine is still doing really well with her schedule. She's been on pretty much the same eating and sleeping schedule since she was 8 weeks old; that's what has worked for her and our family, and we are so thankful for it! She has been such a good baby! She is a happy girl and she brings us so much joy!


  1. She is getting more and more adorable!! Can't stand how cute she is! Sounds like she is a really great baby. Love all the pinatas - did you make each of them??

  2. She is precious! Love hearing about how she's doing!

  3. I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that she's 8 months old already! Time has just flown by! She's too cute!

  4. It's fun to see these pictures right next to each other. Her hair has grown so much just in the last month! And cruising??? I can't believe it! Love her to pieces!
