Monday, December 15, 2014

Our Christmas Card + An Announcement

We are so excited to announce that we have a baby on the way! Our friends and extended families heard the announcement by way of our Christmas card this year :) We are so incredibly thankful for this answer to prayer, and we could not be more excited! I have been pretty sick these first few months, which is another reason why I've been so quiet around here. In the last couple of days I've started to feel a little better, so I'm hoping I'm turning the corner and will be somewhat back to normal soon. In the mean time I'm snacking all day long and trying to get everything done in time for Christmas (how did Christmas get here so fast this year?!). Hope you are enjoying this Christmas season! xx


  1. Congratulations!! I had a suspicion when the blog was rather quiet for longer periods! And then Charis recently told me her aunt Sherri was going to have a baby and it would be her cousin! She is super excited about another cousin. :) Glad you are feeling better. Excited for you guys!

  2. I am so so so excited for you and your hubby! I can't wait to hear more about your story and watch you blossom into a gorgeous mama!

  3. I was wondering if you might be pregnant when you were gone for a few months on here ;) So excited to see you become a mama! Please post a bump picture ASAP! :) Praying for you!!

  4. Awww!!! You are going to be awesome parents! Congrats!

  5. Congratulations! Very excited for you and curious to read how a baby changes your lives! :) Hope you get to feeling all the way better soon. I know how that is ... no fun! But so worth it in the end! I hated hearing that when I was so sick, but it's true! :)

    I was also wondering when things got quiet around here. :)
