Monday, April 21, 2014

Around Here, Lately

It's been a good while since I've said hello here in this space. This is what's been going on around here, lately:

\\ The last weekend in March my sisters, mom, and I had a girls' weekend! It had been 8 years since our last one in New York City (pre-kids for my sisters, pre-Caleb for me), so we were long overdue. We were supposed to meet up in Asheville, but my mom had to have surgery so we changed our plans and met up at her house instead. We spent the weekend eating and talking. We shopped a tiny bit, but we literally sat and talked for three days, taking breaks only to go out to eat. It. was. wonderful. Those ladies encourage me, challenge me, and make me laugh more than most! I'm already hoping we can plan another one sometime soon.

\\ I had a couple of busy/stressful weeks of work in there. I love my job, really love it, but I had some tough days that left me drained and grumpy. On a more positive note, I finished up a bunch of big projects I had been working on for a few months! SUCH a good feeling to cross those off my to-do list. I'm really thankful for my job and how busy it keeps me, how it stretches me and how it pushes me to learn new things. I really like going to work each day, and I know that is a huge blessing.

\\ I'm so thankful it's April! March is my least favorite month of the year (the weather is bleh, you're longing for spring so bad it hurts, and March is just a boring name for a month), so I was mighty glad to flip over to April! We've gotten our fair share of April showers, but the other days have been sunny, blue skies, and even hot! No more jackets, lots of iced coffee, and eating dinners outside! I've gotten sunburned several times already, but I'm not complaining, not one bit! Sun-kissed cheeks and vitamin D for days please!

\\ I've been working out to Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 in the evenings after work. It totally kicks my butt, but I can feel the results and I'm pleased. Saying that I'm working out to Jillian Michaels DVDs sounds kind of intense, but don't worry... I usually grab a piece of Easter candy from the candy jar right before I start the DVD. A girl can only change so much, right?!

\\ We've still been working on decorating our house... the never-ending project. Caleb has done a ton of painting for me, we picked out furniture, Caleb's building furniture, and I'm trying to decorate and organize. Hopefully we will have some rooms completely done in the next little bit!

I think that's about it for what's been happening lately. Now I plan to get back to regular posting this week. I hope your week is off to a great start!


  1. phew sounds like y'all have been super busy lately! Hopefully y'all will get to slow down a little once summer gets here?

  2. So glad you had a great time with the family and sounds like you've been busy!

  3. Glad you got to spend time with your mom and sisters! Can't wait to see all your decorating :)

  4. sounds like a perfect girl's weekend :) love that rifle paper calendar
