Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2014 Goals

I know goals and New Year's resolutions are pooh-poohed by many, but I happen to love making goals. They don't have to be about bashing yourself and setting unrealistic goals to fix your shortcomings. Realistic, attainable goals can provide the motivation to tackle things you've been wanting to get done, provide the structure to create habits for the routine and lifestyle you want to have, and provide the accountability necessary for success by sharing your goals with others. Here is my list of goals for the year.

1 // Learn to crochet. Nothing fancy, just simple blankets for snuggling babies when our nieces and nephews come to visit. One day I will learn to sew, but for now this is a tiny baby step toward learning to be creative and make things with my hands.

2 // Eat more vegetables. We eat pretty healthily (i.e. few processed foods, rarely eating out, etc.), but I know I don't consume enough vegetables. I've been making more smoothies with spinach and have been adding more salads to our weekly menus (like this one!). I also want to roast more veggies in these remaining winter months.

3 // Read through the Bible chronologically. I did this once in college, and I absolutely loved it. I like having a structured plan for where I'm going to be reading in the Bible each day, and I really like getting the big picture of the entire Bible in one year.

4 // Clean out our bonus room. This room is a hot mess! Since we moved into this house almost 2 years ago, we have put anything and everything in our bonus room. It has its own staircase and is separate from the rest of the upstairs, so it's easy to throw junk up there and shut the door. We need to sort through everything, decide what to keep and what to toss, and organize what we're keeping.

5 // Start running again. I haven't consistently run since early last summer, and I hate that. As the days get a little longer, I want to start running again after work. It's a great stress reliever, and I always feel so good when I'm finished. I'm hoping to run a race with a few of my co-workers, so that will help hold me accountable.

Do you like making goals? What are some of your goals for 2014? 


  1. You are such a good list maker! You will meet these goals I am sure :)

  2. definitely a goal maker too! though they are usually not as specific as yours. number 2 is a great one - we are always striving for this as well. we often fall into a pasta rut for dinner haha.
