Friday, January 20, 2012

What You Do Every Day

I read this in The Happiness Project and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.  I think these days discipline and consistency have come to be overlooked characteristic traits.  If you consistently get good grades or you are disciplined to get to the gym every day or if you make your husband dinner every night, those practices come to be expected and are rarely praised or even noticed.  But, if once in a blue moon, a student gets one A, or if you finally get around to going to the gym after a long absence, or if you make your husband or family dinner once in six months, then people are quick to notice and give praise for doing such a wonderful thing.  Of course it is great when someone makes the effort to do something that they normally don't, but let's not forget about the people who are putting in the effort every. single. day.

I want to be the type of person who encourages consistency instead of overlooks it.  I also think this is a helpful reminder for when you're stuck in the daily grind.  It might seem routine, but if you're showing up to work every day and doing what you're supposed do and doing it well, that is valuable.  If you're at home changing diapers and chasing kids and folding laundry every day, that is valuable.  Let's do a better job of recognizing the value and importance of the things we do every day!

So that's where my mind has been lately... take it as a little food for thought for your Friday :) I hope you have a great weekend!


  1. I've never thought about this but it is so true! I've heard my kids get really frustrated at school because they don't get "good tickets" even though they are always being good. They say that the "naughty kids" are quiet for a few minutes and they get one.

    1. As a teacher I can say that is (sadly) what happens. We do talk about how we need to recognize those good students. But you still really have to praise the rare great behavior of those "few" students in hopes that they make the same good choice again and again.

  2. Love this! I couldn't agree more with you.

  3. Definitely a good thing to remember! :) Happy weekend!

  4. So true Sherri! Thanks for the reminder :-) happy weekend girl!

  5. such a good poiint and one i don't think if enough. i need to learn to praise the consistent people in my life. thanks for this thought sherri!

  6. What a great thought!! I have never thought of this before, but it is so true. Thanks for it!

  7. I really liked this post. I freshly finished The Happiness Project, and I almost want to re-read it again. I'm definitely going to buy it. I completely agree with the consistency praise being absent. I wish it wasn't, but it's true. Oh well! Have a great weekend, and thanks for your input on my post today. I really appreciated you sharing your thoughts :)

  8. I loved this book and in fact I need to re-read it again! I don't even think I got to finish it because I found out I was pregnant and let's just say I put that book down for other ones instead haha. Hmmm, maybe I DO need to pick it up again. Lots of good food for thought!

  9. Great perspective, totally agree!

  10. Wow that is a great thought. You are so right...if we do things consistently it's expected and not rewarded. But if you do it once and awhile then you get praised. It needs to be reverse! Thanks for sharing!

  11. I completely agree. Such good points. We are often undermine the value of the day to day tasks. I try to live by the motto to do small things with great love. It can be challenging!
    Such a great book I have heard!
