Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Morning Energy Boosts

Last night I was going through some old magazines and I found a great article on some tips to boost your energy in the early mornings.  I am definitely not a morning person, and these tips go right along with my January goal to boost energy!

1. Let the sun in and stretch.  Exposure to light helps stop producing melatonin (the hormone that induces sleepiness).  Stretching as your first activity of the day will increase your body temperature and blood flow to your brain.

2. Look at something you love.  In the early morning we're in survival mode so our body feels like it's under threat, and that saps our energy.  If we put something in our room that makes us feel grateful (flowers, photo of a loved one, etc.), we can trigger positive emotions that will fight that energy drain.

3. Get moving.  Working out in the morning can trigger feel-good endorphins and lowers stress hormones - even lasting 6-8 hours!  Bonus: people who exercise in the morning tend not to have midmorning slumps.

4. Scent your shower.  Smelling citrus, eucalyptus, or mint causes a burst of energy to flow through your body, clearing your mind and giving you a little lift.  Try Origins Grapefruit Body-Buffing Cleanser or Burt's Bees Peppermint & Rosemary Body Wash.

5. Eat a colorful breakfast.  To make sure you have a nutritional breakfast, make 80% of your plate colorful, unprocessed foods.  The rest of your breakfast should include a combination of lean protein and complex, fiber-rich carbs.

Are you a morning person?  What helps to get you going in the morning?

source: tips from Real Simple, May 2011


  1. Coffee!!! :) But really these sound like a great way to start the morning off on the right foot!

  2. I do love citrus body wash but haven't had any for awhile. I'm like Natalie and have coffee every morning!

  3. I'm such a morning person. I get up at 5:15 and hit the gym but no mid morning slumps here!

  4. You're right; these are great tips. I should put these into practice! Thanks for sharing these Sherri!

  5. Love all of these suggestions. Definitely need a burst of energy in my life.

  6. Nope, not a morning person at all. I'm so moody in the A.M. I am like a danger to society...LOL I have tried the whole scent thing to wake up my senses in the past and that does help. I think knowing I have a new outfit to put on is the biggest motivating factor to get up and be cheerful....but if I did that every morning I'd be as broke as a joke!

  7. These are all fabulous ideas! I try to make my breakfast as colorful as possible! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I am going to add some of these activities to my morning routine :) Thanks for sharing, Sherri! I wish I had automatic blinds that would open to let the sunlight in as soon as my alarm went off. Wouldn't that be great? lol

  9. definitely need to add some of these tips to my morning routine. i can be such a serious grouch in the morning, just didn't want to crawl out of bed and have to face the bed. but i need to be a happy morning person

  10. Great tips. Thanks! I miss summertime when I can wake up early with the sun. Now I'm up with the moon still.

    To boost my energy in the morning, I eat an apple. I read an article that said the crunch of an apple helps you wake up.

  11. Great tips :)

  12. Great tips, I wish I could calmly stretch in the morning instead of get up and immediately feed a hungry baby. I don't think she would be willing to wait for me to do that :)

  13. I'm guessing these are probably pretty good tips, but I'm really just a big fan of my snooze button. Or, at least I was. There's no snoozing my one year old!

  14. i am a morning person - give me five minutes and i'll be up and at em. i do spend a few minutes stretching and readjusting, perhaps that helps. it's funny to think we're in survival mode when we wake up!
