Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend

We're back home after a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We had a great time relaxing, being with family, and eating tons of delicious food that my sister Lauren prepared for us.  All weekend I was overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude:  for being blessed way beyond what we need, for my wonderful husband and our life together, for my parents' celebrating 34 years of marriage on Saturday, for the new addition of my sweet nephew, for my family and the time we spend together, and mostly God's love and grace that has been poured out in our lives.

How was your Thanksgiving weekend?


  1. What a sweet family and adorable nephew!

  2. sherri lynn! that table looks great and all that food it looks amazing. and that is your mom in the second photo right, i can tell you two look a lot a like especially your smiles!

  3. glad you had such a good thanksgiving and found so many things to be thankful for! great pictures of you and your family - you look good! :)

  4. Glad you had such a great time! And how wonderful that you got to celebrate your parents anniversary! That is so special. Pass on my regards!! :)

    We had a great time. I really enjoyed introducing John to my family.

    P.S. You look lovely! You have such beautiful skin! What's your secret?

  5. Such great photos...looks like you all had a blast! :)

  6. Your table looks beautiful, and the food looks delicious! Great family pictures!

  7. My Thanksgiving weekend was so great. I really enjoyed having my parents here and cooking the Thanksgiving meal with my mom. I feel so blessed, just like you. We have so very much to be thankful for!

  8. Looks like a wonderful Thanksgiving! Love all the pictures. xo

  9. What a cute family photo!

    My weekend was pretty great, although we didn't have money to travel so we weren't able to spend it with any family :( but we did get a Christmas tree!

  10. We had a wonderful time away with family too. It is great to be back home though. I love being in our own nest.

  11. Cute picture of you and your hubby, you have a pretty smile!

  12. Great photos! Love the one of you and your sweet nephew! And congrats to your parents!! :)

  13. What a lovely family!! Also, I love that you guys serve enough cranberry sauce - we always put it in a little dish and run out. Your serving bowl is brilliant! ;)

  14. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and such wonderful pictures! We missed you, but are glad you had such a wonderful time.

  15. Awww Sherri you've got a gorgeous family!

  16. You and your mom have the same smile (atleast I think it is your mom!)! Glad to hear you had a wonderful weekend.

  17. Hey girl...looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. How sweet it is to celebrate a new little life, an enduring love, and all the little blessings in between.

  18. the spread looks yummy and beautiful..i love family gatherings!!

  19. this looks so perfect sherri - you have such a beautiful family!

  20. I'm so glad you had such a good time! I love the pictures you took of everyone! I can't believe how big your nieces and nephew are getting. Thanks for posting the pics! Love you!

  21. Great pictures and all of that food looks delicious! I'm so glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

  22. Glad you had a great holiday! The presentation of that food is great! Yum! :)

  23. Lovely table. Lovely family. My Thanksgiving weekened was so wonderful. Love it!

  24. You have such a precious family!! Your Thanksgiving meal looks incredible!

  25. Looks like a wonderful feast! I love all the colors of a Thanksgiving meal.

  26. How fun:) What a lovely family you have, and those babies are way too cute!

  27. Awww looks like you had the perfect Thanksgiving weekend!

  28. That spread looks phenomenal! And the baby isn't too bad either ;)
