Thursday, October 13, 2011

On a Rainy Day


Is anyone else tired of the dreary, rainy weather?  Rain every once in a while is great, but since weather plays a significant role in determining both my motivation level and mood for any given day, I'd love some sunshine.  Rainy days call for little pick-me-ups.  Here are some of my favorite ways to brighten up a rainy day:

1. Do your nails

2. Put pretty flowers where you can see them

4. Pick up some Starbucks

5. Wear rain boots and jump in puddles

6. Write a letter to a friend

7. Watch your favorite Friends episode

8. Bake cookies

9. Curl up on the couch with a good book

10. Make some soup for dinner

What do you like to do on a rainy day?


  1. Oh I love all your suggestions! I would say cuddling on the couch!

  2. What a lovely post! I love rainy days & all your sweet ideas!

  3. Jumping in the puddles is now what I do, simply by default with having children. Sans children, definitely curling up on the couch with a good book.

  4. Drink tea and read blogs! No joke!

  5. I hate driving in the rain, but I like the sound the rain makes on the rooftoop and the sound it makes when you drive through a big puddle; and I like watching my most favorite movie: You've Got Mail. I also like all your suggestions too. And, I like them all equally; they are all my favorite. Unfortunately, I'm spending my rainy day stuck inside the office :( But maybe I'll go buy shoes when I'm done!

  6. Tea, book, snuggle. We have 90 degree weather right now and I'm afraid I'm tired of it. Want what you don't have I guess. Ha.

  7. great ideas! i got mcdonald's for lunch and am listening to classical music - perfect :)

  8. These are great ideas. I really hate rainy days, my mood just plummets when the sun isn't shining. Maybe next time I'll try some of these to cheer me up!

  9. This makes for a lovely rainy day!! What I would give for a day like this one :-)

  10. It's so dreary here today! I managed a (very wet) run, then have been relaxing. And right now, I'm watching Friends (-:

  11. Great suggestions! I love to read and the bake...rainy days always make me want to have a certain amount of comfort about me.

  12. Love all of those! I agree, rain once in awhile is fine but day after day gets me down!

  13. I would KILL for some rain. When I was in my car today at one point it said 107!!!!!! Shoot me now!

    - Sarah

  14. what a fun post! i love those nails and the soup is to die for!

  15. I loved this post, Sherri! Makes me happy to think of all these great things that I can be doing on a rainy day (when I'm not in the office).

  16. We are on our forth day of rain so this is the perfect pick me up post! I actually just painted my nails! :)

  17. Seems like the perfect rainy day weather! I especially love the nails xox

  18. I always stay cuddled up on the couch in pjs and watch chick flicks!!

  19. you just made me wish for a rainy weekend! haha there are really so many things one can do on a day like that.. not only sleep!! cute post dear! the Starbucks is a must ;)


  20. Hey if all rainy days were like this I would welcome them!

  21. great ideas! I will definitely give these a try the next time its a rainy day.


  22. Anything that does not require me to leave the house. My favorite...cuddling up on the couch and watching some tv, with a hot drink in my favorite mug.

  23. Perfect ideas! I'm totally the grab Starbucks and cuddle on the couch girl!!

  24. i love to curl up on the couch and watch old movies! and catch up on all my fave blogs! ;)

  25. Love this list! Curl up on the couch with my computer and Internet shop. That is, puts lots of things in my "bag" and then not buy them. :)
