Thursday, June 9, 2011

Decorating with Trays

"Everyone should own a silver serving tray. . .use it to serve guests when you're entertaining, keep it on your desk to harbor note cards, pens, and stationery, and even use it in the bathroom to hold hand towels.  It will never go out of style. . ."  -Kelly Calvin Robson, in Matchbook Magazine, March 2011

After I read that, I felt the need to have a silver tray in my home.  I had also seen that Emily of cupcakes and cashmere suggests using a vintage tray in the bathroom to hold treasures, and she used a tray here to hold things on her nightstand.  I decided I wanted some little trays to hold things in the bathrooms, and maybe some for my jewelry or perfume in our bedroom.  I searched thrift stores and antique stores until I finally found one silver tray that wasn't too beat up.  It was larger than I had wanted for the any of the bathrooms, so I decided to put it in our guest bedroom with a few things on it in an attempt to make our guest bedroom more welcoming.

some books for a little reading before bed

I love everything mint, so of course had to offer some

to soothe dry hands

silver tray on top of bookshelf

I would still like a few more smaller silver trays for holding things elsewhere.  Do you use trays in your decorating?  Don't have a tray?  Emily also placed a beveled mirror on top of vintage suitcases to make a nightstand, and Real Simple took a gilt frame and used it as a vanity tray.  


  1. these are such cute ideas! id love to have something like this to put my body sprays and lotions on actually!!!

  2. I love seving trays in decor, your looks so good girly!

  3. SO pretty! And much better looking than my stack of books, etc. on my bedside table :)

  4. I do have one silver tray but I sure to hate polishing it :) It definitely dresses up a space!

  5. I have a tray that has been gathering dust in a closet - this is the perfect use for it! Also I'm a huge fan of that ginger souffle body cream :-)

  6. such a pretty vignette! i have a rustic wooden tray on your glass coffee table with a book i got in france, a wooden spoon my grandmother got in london, and a centerpiece from my bridal shower.

    thanks for stopping by the blog!

  7. i've been searching for one for awhile!

  8. i also love the idea, but with my tiny apartment where i rarely host anyone and not many surfaces i haven't gotten any, although i know i will. etsy also is a great source for some of these vintage trays, so look there to purchase some more, too.

  9. so cute! now tim and i will have to come visit again so i can snack on those yummy peppermint patties:) haha

  10. very pretty and totally classic! love it.

  11. I use trays to organize my jewelry and I love them!

    Your header pics of you and your hubby are precious!!

  12. I love these ideas - I am dying to get some trays for my dresser top or living room! I am even tempted to try and find an old frame too - thanks for the inspiration!

  13. It looks lovely, I definitely agree these add so much to a room and are such an easy way to decorate. Great find! xo

  14. Great ideas. They add a wonderful little touch to any room!

  15. I have one on my vanity in my bedroom. It holds some pictures in pretty antique frames, trinket boxes and my perfume. It makes me feel glamorous and like I'm living in the 20s!

  16. This looks great! What a good idea. I'll have to try it out :) It's perfect for holding books, and I love the pairings that you chose!

  17. Looks awesome!I've got several silver trays scattered throughout the house, one extra large one that I have NO idea what to do with so I hide it under the buffet table :) I've been looking for the perfect sized one to place on my bathroom countertop for perfume but no luck yet!

  18. Love the tray look! Almost as much as I love mint & chocolate goodness :)

    xx Cat brideblu

  19. Great arrangement! Love how organized it is! :)

  20. I actually hung some trays on the wall in my kitchen. They were vintage tv trays that the legs had been removed. They had some great color designs painted on them. A different kind of art. :)

  21. great look! I have a tray or bowl in every room! One in the bathroom, one in the living room, one in the dining room, and a tray and 2 bowls in the bedroom for rings and little ity bity things to throw in them. I use the bowl in the bathroom for rings when washing hands.


  22. i am a tray addict! I buy them all the time and put everything on them! i think odds and ends look so much cuter on a tray!
