Monday, May 9, 2011

Rice Krispies Treats

I saw the cutest idea for Rice Krispies treats a couple of months ago here.  I had to make them.  My nieces love Rice Krispies treats so I made them last week to bring down here with us.  I used the original recipe (here) and spread them into a greased pan, but I reserved a little of the mixture to make these cute treats!

Roll the mixture into little balls and place on parchment paper.

Dip the top of each ball into melted chocolate and 
allow excess chocolate to drip off.

Dip or sprinkle the sprinkles or topping of your choice.

I used mini chocolate chips.

And fun sprinkles.

Such a colorful treat!


  1. Ohh yum! They look fantastic. I might make some tonight! Hugs and kisses, darling

  2. this look the perfect kids dessert!
    a friend of mine did it mixing together corn flakes + a melted Mars bar.
    but she served it right from the fridge (well, it was summer) and it was delicious!!!!

    anyway, your treats look sooooo delicious!

    ♥ Ylenia
    from longuette

  3. I've been buying rice krispies treats at every bakery I find them at recently! I HAVE to make these!!
