Friday, March 4, 2011

Matchbook Recap

Yesterday on the phone my with mom, she asked what I thought of the magazines I read the other day.  I told her my general conclusion:  there are always more things to buy.  I read so many magazines and blogs and go shopping online (read: always looking, rarely buying) and I am overwhelmed with all of the stuff there is!  Spring time is around the corner which means I'm wanting to spruce up my spring and summer wardrobes.  Now that we know we will be living in our house for a few more years, I want to finish decorating all of the rooms that I just put stuff away and didn't really spend time on.  That means more home decor.  More more more!  There is a constant battle of wanting to buy things all the time but then knowing I need to chill out and not always have a list a mile long of what I want to buy next.  So for now, I am trying to find that balance.  My other conclusion is that my style (both clothes and home decor) is actually a conglomeration of whatever I like at the moment, instead a more concrete idea of what I like and what is truly "me".  So it's helpful for me to see a lot of different people's styles and figure out what I actually like the best.  ok enough rambling about my inner materialistic dilemma.  Here's some of the things that caught my eye in Matchbook.

lilly pulitzer



urban outfitters

cutest umbrella stand ever! from neiman marcus

1 comment:

  1. zebra umbrella - so you! and urban want to be naked??
