Monday, January 17, 2011

2010 in Review

January:  Traveled to New York City with my best friend to celebrate her 21st birthday.  We shopped, ate, went to the Met, and saw Chicago on Broadway.  Also celebrated the arrival of my third niece, Mallory Daire!

February:  Gave skiing a second try.  And for the second time, I did not enjoy it.  If you knew me, you would be impressed that I was outside all day in the snow, let alone with skis strapped to my feet.

March:  Got engaged to Caleb!  I was in love and ready to get married, and I finally had a diamond to prove it.

April:  In the throes of wedding planning.  Martha Stewart WeddingsBRIDES magazine, Michaels, and Starbucks each played a significant role in the planning process.  Oh and the matrons of honor and mother of the bride were a huge help as well.

May:  Went to the Florida Keys with my parents and Caleb.  Came home relaxed and tan.  Went to Boston to visit Caleb's brother and sister-in-law.  Saw some huge whales on our whale watching trip!

June:  Had our engagment photo session!  A bat also flew into Caleb's head one night at the end of the month.  Weirdest thing ever.

July:  Went to the beach with Caleb's family for a relaxing week.  Met some girlfriends in Baltimore for our first Jack Johnson concert!

August:  Last minute prep for the wedding.  Thought a lot about starting this new chapter in my life.

September:  Got married!  It was the perfect day.  I had the wedding of my dreams and went on a honeymoon with the man of my dreams.

October:  Settling into married life.  Visited the Biltmore in Asheville and left wishing I were Cornelia Vanderbilt.

November:  Experienced our first holiday as a married couple.  So very much to be thankful for!

December:  Our first Christmas.  Caleb learned how much I like gifts, both giving and receiving.  Our poor budget took the brunt of that.

In the midst of all this, I read 54 books.  Some favorites included Little BeeThe HelpThe Happiness ProjectThis Momentary Marriage, and Mini Shopaholic.  From the time we were married in September through the end of the year, I only repeated the same dinner twice.  I like to think of that as an accomplishment for this newly married cook.  A decade into the new millenium, and I like my life.

1 comment:

  1. Sherri, I'm totally following your blog now and it's exciting to read about your married life! A couple of things:

    1) Way to go with the 54 books! I love that you love to read because I love it too :) I'm taking your suggestions to heart.
    2) Only repeating the same dinner twice is definitely a huge accomplishment! Congrats on being such a thoughtful wife. I can only hope to have the same creativity and planning when I get married....
    3) Love and miss you. Hope you are well and enjoying 2011 so far.

